Dialog Kehidupan dan Penjanaan Modal Insan Malaysia-Indonesia
Malqtsia-Indonesia share common characteristic in diverse society.
However, both are dffir in term of ruling system whereby Malaysian
constitution recognise Islam as a Federal religion and simultaneously
practice religious freedom for non-Muslim. Conversely, the Republic of
Indonesia practice religious freedom without any recognition of certain
religion. The dffirence in religious ruling system do not bring them
apart to enjoy harmony in diversity. This proof to be the fact in daily life
interaction of people from different religious background. This kind of
amicable interaction is simply loruwn as Dialogue of life. The study
shows that the dialogue of l{e is a mechanism for building competent
human capital to live harmoniously with the others. This article aims to
discuss various initiatives conducted by Muslims in Malaysia and
Indonesia in the activities of dialogue of life at the grassroots level. The
participants of the Muslims not only come from the NGOs, but also from
the individual experience both in formal and informal interaction. The
study proves that the daily life interaction or dialogue of ltfe capable in
generating open-minded and accomodative human capital to share living
together tffith people in any dffirent situations.