Budaya Melayu dan Cabaran Globalisasi di Malaysia: Analisis Sejarah


  • Rahimin Affandi Abd. Rahim
  • Othman Md. Yatim
  • Zainal Abidin Borhan
  • Badriah Nordin


Every hilhan being has the ability to create culture and hence human are
the only being thnt has cultured. Culture can be considered as an
interactive system of human with nature that associated with values,
beliefs, behaviours and artefacts. The ability to interact with nature
formes a basis of scientific lcnowledge. In nature, every human beingfrom
dffirent races has the ability to build a distinctive culture and
civilization and these are the characteristics that distinguish human of
dffirent communities. This article discusses the Malay culture and the
challenges of globalization in Malaysia.Globalization not only touches on
relationships between various parts of the world, but is also related to the
dissemination of cultures. Based on this, this articles is designed to look
at the impacts of globalization on the Malay culture with specific


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