"Tamadun Awal Jepun: Orang Wa Perintis Pembinaan Peradaban Negara Bangsa Yamato"
Since the exodus of the Asian people to the island of
lapan aarious knotuledge and technologies from the mninland zuere
introduced to the neut ruorld. These knowledge and technalogies
had been used zoisely through the process of assimilation and
adaptation totuard the nezu enaironment. The outcome of this
processes uere the emerging of a new breed of people called Wa'
The peopte of Wa started building their country's ciuilization
beginning from the unifcation the Llji groups to the setting up of a ,
country called Yamato. The Yamato reached a ciailized nation status
uhen ii futfilled the basic criteria of ciailization ruhich include criteria
such as there must be a human residence and a fezo city centres,
stable tife span of the people, existence of social organizations and
institutions and other chnracteristics.