Ketinggian Bidang Terjemahan Sebagai Satu Manifestasi Bangsa Berilmu: Pengajaran dari Tamadun Awal Islam


  • Ratna Roshida Ab. Razak
  • Aiza Maslan @ Baharudin


lf rue could recall the lslamic glorious era bettueen tht
?tt' to the L4th centuries, 10e could also haae remembered the high
standnrd of knotoledge preuailing in that era uhichhaae made lslam
one of the greatest ciailizations in the uorld. The loue and thirst for
knouledge possessedby the rulers at the time hadbeen a contributing
factor towards such glory. Their direct and specific inaolaements
had led to the eoolaement of diaersity of knouledge like science,
philosophy, astronomy and the knowledge of religion. Not only
such condition had also placed the fields of translation and its
actiaities st the highest rank and the most signifcant spot, seroing
as the initiatiaes made to bing in knowledge from the outside. It is
not surprising then, thnt translating actiaities in this splendid era
of lslam had reached its extraordinary peak. This resulted in the
fact that the knowledge of philosophy and thcology, to name a feu
had deaeloped and furthzr reached temarkable achieaements. ln
the historical context of lslam in the Malny Archipelago, the Mnlay
religious scholars' capabilities in translating religious books and
scriptures were also notable. Their contributions had been seen to
be aetg meaningful as these translated books and scriptures uere
later madt inti text books and main referential resources in the
religious studies in Mntaya. ln relation to this, this paper seeks to
examine the relationship betueen the remarkable standard of the
society,s knouledge with the translation industry to see hozo closely
relatid these are by looking at aarious examples that haue demonstrateil this relationship in the lslamic Civilization. This is
considered to be piuotal, for it to be an effort in ascertaining the
preseraation of the Malay rfrce as a knoruledgeable race, especially
in the borderless urorld of our globalized age.


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